How It Works Students
Free registration.
Tutors on eduKURa undergo a rigorous selection process.
Use eduKURa's 'Find A Tutor' to find top tutors based on qualifications, reviews, and a Working With Children Check.
If tutors have a WWCC, it appears above 'Book a Lesson' on the Tutor's Profile.
Send them a message directly once you've found an instructor you'd like to work with.
It is simple: Contact tutor appears below the tutor's photo
Find a teacher and book your first lesson online while maintaining your privacy and security. Enjoy real-time and face-to-face instruction in the comfort of your own home. Payments are simple, only after completing a class, with eduKURa handling the rest.
Once you have decided on a tutor, ensure that your payment information is entered so that lessons can be scheduled.
If you have questions, go to the Students' FAQ or Send Us A Message.
Matching students with tutors makes for an Academic Advantage.